Allan Engström

Board member

Board member since 2017

Allan (b. 1980) is a partner at Valedo. Before joining Valedo in 2006, Allan worked in mergers & acquisitions at Merrill Lynch in London. Allan holds a Master of Science in Finance from Stockholm School of Economics.

Significant current positions in or assignments for other companies or organizations: Board member at Norva24 Group, Sefbo Holding and Eltera Gruppen

Significant previous positions in or assignments for other companies or organizations: Investment Banking Analyst at Merrill Lynch.

Other assignments on behalf of the company: Allan is also a member of the SmartCraft ASA remuneration committee.

Allan holds shares in Valedo Partners III AB, hence indirect shareholding in SmartCraft ASA. Valedo Partners III AB owns 67 903 692 shares in SmartCraft ASA.

Allan Engström